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Removing all partisan rhetoric, evidence of election fraud, and political agendas from the equation, there is a set of Constitutional facts regarding what has taken place in the 2020 selection process for the next President and Vice President of the United States, and every American Citizen should be fully informed of these indisputable facts.
Read below:
In 2016, more than 63 million Americans elected Donald J. Trump to “drain the swamp.” In 2020, more than 74 million legal voters attempted to re-elect Donald J. Trump to finish “draining the swamp” in his second term. But the swamp just wasn’t going to allow that to happen.
Even though billions of people all over the world witnessed massive election fraud in the USA on a scale never before seen, the swamp continues to insist that no such fraud took place and that there is no evidence to prove otherwise.
The swamp repeatedly beats the drum of false information, convincing many fools that they are right, and hoping that sooner or later, if they tell the lie often enough, long enough, even otherwise intelligent people will eventually believe it’s true.
Here’s why the swamp is winning and why it’s likely to consume our beloved country in less than 30 days from today.
Oh sure, you all saw the fraud taking place with your own eyes. You saw election results flipped over night, as hundreds of thousands of trucked in Biden ballots arrive in the dark of night, after the polls closed and after all poll watchers were sent home or removed from the counting rooms. But do you believe what you saw?
A bomb was detonated on 2nd Avenue in downtown Nashville TN on Christmas morning. The current public narrative claims the event was the work of another “lone wolf” bomber with no previous history, who detonated his RV after broadcasting a loudspeaker warning for everyone to evacuate the area in advance of the blast.
HERE IS RAW FOOTAGE of that explosion. Trusting your own eyes, what do you see? Does the initial blast come from the RV on the left of the screen? Or does it come from the right across the street from the RV? Was the RV demolished in the initial blast? Or is it still intact after the blast? What do you believe, your own eyes, or the approved public narrative?
Yes, “fake news” is the only kind of news we have today, no matter which is your favorite news source. Not one single major news outlet tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth today. Secondary independent news sources are full of wild conspiracy theories as they try to find truth in a sea of lies. Like a broken clock, they might get it right twice a day.
A quick internet search for medical studies done over many years to determine the effectiveness of face masks to prevent the spread of any virus, will quickly turn up two opposite results now. First, you will see all of the “Google approved” links of recently posted government approved narratives and opinions by “government experts” supporting the use of the masks. But if you keep digging, you will find numerous actual studies done over many years, all of them confirming that face masks are totally useless in preventing the spread of any virus. Which reports do you believe?
All of your life, you were taught to believe that our courts exist to provide a peaceful legal means and process for finding true justice. You thought that every legal American had a right to due process of law, to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law that applies the laws equally to everyone, no matter race, creed, or color. But now you know that even the President of the United States, more than 20 States and over 74 million Trump voters, have no right to due process in the courts at all, as every court in the country refuses access to present evidence of massive election fraud in their chambers.
But the swamp is telling you that “Trump lost every case filed in all these courts.” How do you lose a case you were not allowed to present? When someone is denied entry to present evidence to the court, did they “lose the case” on the merits of the evidence, or were they simply denied due process of law? Which do you believe?
If you research COVID19, (Coronavirus 2019), you will quickly confirm that all “corona” type viruses are a version of the common cold. If you keep researching, you will confirm that the common cold also kills elderly or health compromised people, every year, as does the common flu.
We all know that COVID19 was weaponized for the 2020 elections. Without it, there would have been no mail-in voting and only the usual level of cheating, not enough to defeat Trump, who got more than 10 million more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016, setting records from numerous “minority” voting groups, while hitting an all-time high among regular GOP voters. But what is the swamp telling you? Which version of reality do you believe? The one you know, or the one they tell you?
World history is full of examples of socialism and communism failing, 100% of the time. Still, what have the young voters been dog whistle trained to believe? That free stuff actually exists, and is preferrable to freedom?
Do you still wear a mask? Do you still social distance? Do you still stay at home when told to? If you do, it’s because you too have been dog whistle trained to believe and do what you’re told, despite what you see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, and know in the pit of your stomach to be true.
You have been told by the CDC that over 350,000 Americans have died from COVID in 2020. You have also been told by the CDC that only 6% of those deaths (21,000) were actually deaths from COVID alone. 94% were dying of something else and may or may not have “tested positive” for COVID, with or without any COVID symptoms. So, which CDC reports do you believe? The ones you KNOW are true, or the ones you are told to believe?
According to the swamp, COVID19 has over a 98.5% survival rate in the USA. When has this country or the world ever shut everything down and totally destroy our economy and millions of lives, over a common cold with a 98.5% survival rate or better? NEVER! Until the 2020 elections…
How Bad is the Swamp?
Because most Americans no longer believe their own eyes and ears, or their gut instincts, they are easily susceptible to the powers of suggestion. Today’s Americans grew up with TV and Radio, accustomed to both telling them what is going on in their cities, country, and world. Even though most know they are watching “fake news” and even say so, among friends, they still believe almost everything the TV or Radio tells them.
And THAT…is how bad the swamp is!
People who will believe anything, will fall for anything. They are easily controlled and manipulated, and will “go along to get along” just in case the “fake news” might be right this time.
According to the swamp, Trump and Senate Republicans don’t want you to have your so-called “stimulus” money from the Nanny Gov. Is the news media telling you that 80% of that congressional bill was spending for foreign countries? Are they telling you that this is what Trump and Republicans want to strip from the bill, before sending you another government handout? Which story is true? Do you even know anymore? Do you even care anymore?
How many of you “patriots” are howling for your stimulus check, while opposing socialism? Why haven’t you already reopened your businesses or returned to work, so that you don’t need a check from Nanny Gov? Because someone told you not to?
Most Americans think they work for the government now. They must, or they would be issuing orders to their public servants, instead of taking orders from them…
The “swamp” is nearly everyone in a government position of any kind today, no matter what party they claim to belong to. It’s also nearly everyone in National Security and the Military, as well as State and Local Law Enforcement, public education, and academia. Yes, the swamp has been allowed to flourish in America, to become the “majority” in America. It’s vast…to put it lightly…and…it includes most of you!
We are sheep being led to slaughter and many of us know it, but fail to do anything to stop it.
The swamp wants us to believe that “there is nothing we can do.” Of course, they do. Why would they want us to believe anything else? And just like the masks and the RV bombing fairy tales, most Americans believe them.
Many say, “they are not afraid of us anymore!” …and they are right, they aren’t! They have no reason to be! What have the American people done that would give them any reason to worry about anything, since 1776?
Nobody is afraid of the average American these days. Why would they be? Americans have allowed themselves to be dumbed down, drugged up, displaced, divided, and discouraged for decades. They look like the perfect society to take over…fat, dumb and happy to go along, to get along. There won’t even be a fight!
Americans are currently awaiting their next round of so-called stimulus money, with bated breath. The first round was $1200, congressional democrats wanted the second round to be $600 until Trump demanded at least $2000.
What do you think this will stimulate? Our closed economy? Is it to stimulate your ability to pay your bills, while our public servants continue to force us out of business? If you add the $1200 and $2000 together, it’s $3200 for the year. Does that replace the income they took from you in 2020? Really, at an annual average of $61.53 per week? This will solve your problems?
It will only stimulate what it is intended to stimulate…it’s sit down and shut up hush money, a bribe, to help you go along to get along, while they finish off our country! For $600-$2000, most Americans will indeed sit down and shut up! You’re being bribed with only 20% of the “stimulus” bill, with the other 80% being sent overseas, to be funneled back to the DNC via international donations through Act Blue. Rather than standing with Trump to stop that 80%, you’re only focused on the 20% that the swamp keeps you focused on.
After everything that have been done to them in 2020 under COVID-TYRANNY, if they still haven’t had enough, then we’re all done here, we’re out of time.
On January 3rd, the new-norm congress will be seated. On January 5th, the Georgia Senate runoff will be counted, with over 2 million illegal Stacey Abrams mail-in ballots already collected and GOP voters casting their ballots on Dominion voting machines. Meanwhile, many so-called “conservatives” are telling GOP voters to “boycott the vote.” It’s not mandatory for anyone to vote, so, all this does is help democrats steal the last two seats they need to control the US Senate. BRILLIANT!
On January 6th, Congress will meet to count the 2020 Electoral College votes. We will see which members of Congress take a stand for us, and which ones take a stand for “the swamp.” We will see what Vice President Mike Pence stands for on that day.
Then, we will see whether or not the American people have had enough or not. We will see what We the People really stand for… Do you believe what you know is true, or what they tell you is true?
Only 3% of Americans fought for freedom and liberty in the American Revolution, the three-percenters. 2/3 of them died to give birth to freedom and liberty in America. It was the single largest loss of American life in any American war.
Who are we and what do we stand for now?
© JB Williams
As the Democrat party media continues its charade, pretending as though Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fair and square, the nation moves towards a war between the states over unprecedented evidence of massive election fraud.
Allow me to correct the false narrative out there, everywhere…no one (except Trump maybe) is seeking to “overturn the election” or the election results. We are all trying to “eliminate any and all known fraud from the process” to arrive at the correct, the real election result. Let there be no mistake.
The precursor to all-out civil war now sits at the U.S. Supreme Court in a suit against four criminal fraud states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, filed by Texas on December 7 and supported by at least 22 other states. Even Pennsylvania legislators have joined the Texas case, against election criminals of their own state. More than a hundred members of Congress have also joined in support of the Texas case.
D.C. attorneys have since filed a brief to allow numerous democrat-controlled states, to file amici briefs in defense of the four criminal election states targeted in the Texas suit. Battle lines have been drawn and only the U.S. Supreme Court can take action to prevent hostilities between these states from escalating to war, or even a potential breakup of the union.
Questions 2 and 3 have already been answered in a massive flood of evidence circulating the Internet every day since November 3rd, despite the blind eye of the democrat party media, social media, democrat defenders of the fraud and a massive effort to coverup the fraud for mere political gain.
Question #1 can swing either way, depending on the current makeup of the Court, the political pressure on the court and the political whims of the Justices on any given day or case. Sadly, Federal Courts have often ruled against the people, the law, the Constitution and Bill of Rights over the years. The high court itself has taken “unconstitutional” positions on many cases, due to their own political biases and sometimes immense political pressure to do so.
Question #4 — What could, and should the U.S. Supreme Court do about this mess?
Assuming that the Court is going to rule on the basis of law and not on the basis of political agendas and pressures, they must hear the case and evidence of both fraud and unlawful alterations in election laws, must matter. They must find the right “constitutional” and “ethical” solution, under the law and their Oaths to protect, uphold and defend the Constitution and apply the law equally, without political prejudice.
Once the Court has confirmed that — 1-they must rule on the basis of law, 2- the states did unlawfully alter election laws, and 3-it resulted in significant irregularities and fraud in the election processes, they must take appropriate action to prevent any further escalation of hostilities between the states.
By doing this, the court will have taken the action necessary to uphold and enforce the law, remove the fraud from the election results, staying out of partisan agendas and returning the responsibility of elections back to the States, in a free, fair, impartial and constitutional manner. By this method, the high court did NOT “pick a winner.” They simply upheld and enforced the Rule of Law, equally. They will restore election integrity.
In doing this, the high court will have fulfilled its most solemn duty and critical role under its original jurisdiction authority, to settle conflicts between the states in a fair, lawful and peaceful manner, which is the entire purpose of the Supreme Court original jurisdiction.
Those responsible for this near fatal disaster are those who altered the election laws unlawfully, opened the door for massive election and voter fraud, and tried to cover it up while running out the clock, all for mere political gain.
The people who have exposed and challenged their actions, are not responsible for this mess. They are only responsible for trying to expose and remedy the mess before the nation proceeds to a war between the states and an inevitable breakup of the Constitutional Republic.
The Rule of Law must prevail, or there is nothing left but war, until the Rule of Law can be reinstated.
Four corrupt states will NOT be allowed to destroy this country. Nine Supreme Court Justices will decide the manner in which this conflict is settled, by Court Order and the Rule of Law, or by blood running in the streets. Either way, freedom, liberty, and justice will prevail. The high court will decide at what expense to the nation.
CITATION OF LAW — “Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.” — Unlawful alterations in election law by individuals in the four defendant states, acting under “color of law,” giving rise to massive election fraud in their states, resulted in the criminal deprivation of the Rights and Liberties of all “legal” voters within the United States.
Today, Michigan U.S. District Court Judge Linda V. Parker, appointed by President Barack Obama in 2013, dismissed a case brought by Sidney Powell on behalf of “We the People” — on the basis of “YOU HAVE NO STANDING.”
Moments later in Georgia, as if well-coordinated in advance, Georgia U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten, appointed by George W. Bush in 2005, similarly dismissed Powell’s case on the same basis, “YOU HAVE NO STANDING!”
If “We the People” don’t have any legal standing to address the courts, how do “We the People” have the legal standing to even vote? Or —do we?
According to these judges and others like them, “We the American Citizens” have no legal standing in their courts. However, non-citizens have legal standing to vote, to vote multiple times, in multiple districts, and have their votes counted more than once, or transferred from one candidate to another by the vote counters.
ALL fifty states will suffer the consequences of massive fraud evidenced in seven states, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Washington, and Nevada. But “We the people” have no legal standing in any court to challenge it, much less put a stop to it. In fact, fraud has happened in more states, but these states will determine our future.
According to the “State” Media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News), no evidence of any fraud exists. But according to the law, eyewitness testimony by thousands of affiants, via sworn affidavit under penalty or perjury, the best possible form of evidence tells a vastly different story. Many are unaware that all that is required in a Treason case, is two or more eyewitnesses.
What America is presently facing is a full-blown constitutional crisis, wherein non-citizens, criminals, corrupt politicians, and judges, hold all the power in the country. Power over “the People” from which all political power is derived. Sadly, far too many Americans are completely unaware, and others have lost the courage to stand up against tyranny and fraud.
This isn’t about the “stolen election” from President Donald J. Trump. That’s merely one of many steps necessary to enslave every American under boot in a global commune. The fraud is flipping other critical Federal and State races too. This isn’t about Republicans and Democrats. This is WAR for America!
But Americans, “HAVE NO STANDING” to stop it, according to far too many corrupt judges.
CONSPIRACY is defined in law as “an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some time in the future.” In other words, it’s a planned orchestrated event.
There are literally thousands of people involved in the 2020 election fraud designed to overthrow the U.S. Constitutional Republic, and there are literally thousands of eyewitnesses to the crimes committed, who have risked everything to come forward and testify under oath and penalty of perjury, to witnessing those crimes. It was quite clearly planned in advance, and deliberately executed by many.
Photo: ©Joe Flood | Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
TREASON is defined in law as “intentionally betraying one’s allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies…” and a conspiracy to overthrow our Constitutional Republic and transform our country into a socialist third world member of the global commune, certainly qualifies as “intentionally betraying one’s allegiance…levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies…”
In fact, any and every act designed to overthrow our Constitution and our Republic is an act of treason, under U.S. Law.
Yet even the current case of massive election fraud, designed to betray all Americans and provide aid and comfort to enemies, here and abroad, is being allowed to pass as though nothing is happening. All due to an alleged “lack of legal standing” in Federal and State courts. The “State” Media provides the getaway car, and this only widens the conspiracy to commit treason to include members of the Judicial Branch and media.
STANDING is defined in law as “the term for the ability of a party to demonstrate to the court sufficient connection to and harm from the law or action challenged to support that party’s participation in the case.”
If the People, from whom all political powers are derived, who stand to lose everything, their country, their freedom, their livelihoods and sooner or later, their lives, do not have “standing,” then no one on earth has standing and our entire system of government has already collapsed.
MISPRISION OF TREASON is defined in law as “the deliberate concealment of one’s knowledge of a treasonable act or a felony.” Hello, “State” Media and social media giants!
Every actor, politician, judge, legislator and member of the news media, that has “deliberately acted to conceal their knowledge of a treasonable act or a felony,” has committed “misprision of treason.”
Massive volumes of evidence have been collected and organized for presentation, from literally thousands of eyewitnesses, under penalty of perjury, existing in at least seven states today and the whole worlds knows it.
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