This video presents a series of first-person accounts by the victims and the families of the soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas. In short, Major Hassan Was a Walking Time Bomb. America was the victim of political correctness.
“US authorities say the accused gunman at Ft. Hood, Major Nidal Hhusaan killed American soldiers at Ft. Hood after Al Qaeda Leader, Anwar Al-Awlaki provided personal justification for Jihad in a series of emails…
The family of Matthew Cooke: “The Army knew he was in contact, all the way from 2005. They knew he was in contact with them, and they did NOTHING.”
Rep. Michael McCaul, at the National Counter-terrorism Center Hearing on 7/25/2012: Since the tragic incident, it’s been downplayed. First it was a workplace violence incident, Sr. Intelligence officials downplayed the email. Exchanges between Mr. Hassan and Awaki, which always concerned me—one of these emails, particularly, literally outlines exactly what Major Hassan did, and it’s on May 27th,
2009. “I would assume that suicide bomber, whose aim is to kill enemy soldiers or their helpers, but also kill innocents in the process is acceptable. I mean, there is a HUGE Red Flag in this email.
Watch this video. It tells the story the elite media refuses to report. Why?