© 2014 —North American Law Center
The only thing Americans agree on today — no matter their partisan interests, is that America has gone to hell in a handbag over the past one hundred years. Nobody is happy about what America has become over the last hundred years, or what it is today.
The endless partisan political finger-pointing of who is responsible is based on campaign rhetoric, which has no bearing on reality. Before the people can ever begin to take corrective measures, they must first drop the rhetoric and consider the real facts.
This brief exposes the truth about who is responsible for the past hundred years.
If you don’t like what has happened to America since 1900, there is only one group to legitimately hold accountable for it, especially from 1930 through today.
Since 1909, Democrats have held the White House 53% of the time and Congress more than 66% of the time.
In short, as demonstrated by the facts above, Democrats are responsible for what America has become over the past hundred years. Republicans have had little to do with the leadership of this nation over the last hundred years. Those are the facts…
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